Monday, December 30, 2013

Coping with Differences

Its especially hard when you and your SO (significant other) have different ways of raising and punishing your children. He gets so frustrated and makes the situation worse sometimes. I try and tell him to keep calm and make him understand how to communicate with our LOs.
My son is in terrible 2s and likes to push everyone's buttons. You know that stage. Well, my SO thinks its a good idea to fight back. Seems so childish sometimes. He feels like our son is 7 instead of 2 and it makes me so mad! Trying to keep my composure until he is done talking to our LO is difficult. But its important to never undermine each other in front of the kids. That only opens doors for the kids and shows them its OK for them to talk back and not listen. Try and remember to save your arguments until your LOs are not in the same room. Keep calm until you guys are alone. Step outside and have a brief convo if you must. Communication is key.

Teaching your Toddler

Having a toddler and a baby can be stressful at times. Knowing the important factors for a toddler can really help. Turn off the TV for 3-4 hours a day and dedicate that time to your toddler.
 Turn everything in a learning game is a huge plus. Eating lunch: put different colors on their plate. Orange carrots, red apples etc. Take the time to ask them what color they have. It gives you time to teach and doesn't take away from the baby.
Count everything they have. Lay a certain amount of crackers and count as they eat them. Count how many toys they have out, how many places are on the tray, always keep them into it.
My son is 2. He knows all of his alphabet, can count to 15 in English and 5 in Spanish, he knows his colors. Left foot vs right foot. He knows more than most toddlers I know. I spend hours with him on his learning. I made teaching him the number one goal especially when I found out I was pregnant again. Its important to always make time for learning and teaching. Flash cards, talking slow so he can learn the words, repetition and constantly reminding him of stuff he already knows to keep him on point. Good teaching games: get the foam alphabet/number for the bathtub and turn bath time into learning. Flash cards are excellent but its very easy to get frustrated with them, be patient. Only work on 4-5 cards at a time. Add more but always show the ones they know. Be persistent, try not to get frustrated and they will figure it out.

Having a valid and complete support system is extremely helpful when having children. Stop associating with people who bring you down or who are going to be a negative impact in your children's life. Even if its someone who has been your friend for a long period of time, its not worth it. I've watched too many people ruin their children's life by holding onto people who are not trustworthy or who try and trash your abilities. I've had to let go and move on from people who were once close to me. Its hard, and it sucks. But its been better. Less drama, more time for positive influences.
Do you have family members you dont want your children around? I have a 2 year old son and a 9 month old daughter and I have family I never want them to meet. I'm related to some pretty pathetic people and I dont want my children to see that. Does that make me a bad person? To keep my children away from their blood family? I'm blessed that my husbands family are amazing people and my kids have them. My family is the exact opposite!
Being a mom raises a lot of questions. Am I going to be good? Where do we live? What schools are best? What if they don't love me? What if I'm a bad parent? The question keep coming from all different areas. They multiply daily as the time approaches. But, being a mother who has witnessed more than some can fathom, raises questions that become unimaginable. How do I let them out of my site? Who can I trust? What if someone hurts them like I was hurt? What can I do to make sure that never happens? Home school? Can i shelter them forever? What the hell do I do?
I have witnessed more in my young life than a lot of people have. I'm a victim. I have lost everything more than once, lost my home. Had my family broken into pieces. Family I will never speak to again. I was abused by someone in my family, someone who was supposed to guide me. I lost all trust and faith at a very young age. When I got pregnant, everything changed. I realized I had to regain faith for my child, for myself. I asked myself all these questions and realized the answer is quiet simple. I raise my children with respect, honesty and I protect them until they head to their own battles. Its scary as hell, terrifying, but that's all I can do.
This blog is to help people who have been lost with their past. Its so people know they are not alone. I am no psychologist, have no degree or any schooling. But I have experience. And this is from my perspective.