Having a toddler and a baby can be stressful at times. Knowing the important factors for a toddler can really help. Turn off the TV for 3-4 hours a day and dedicate that time to your toddler.
Turn everything in a learning game is a huge plus. Eating lunch: put different colors on their plate. Orange carrots, red apples etc. Take the time to ask them what color they have. It gives you time to teach and doesn't take away from the baby.
Count everything they have. Lay a certain amount of crackers and count as they eat them. Count how many toys they have out, how many places are on the tray, always keep them into it.
My son is 2. He knows all of his alphabet, can count to 15 in English and 5 in Spanish, he knows his colors. Left foot vs right foot. He knows more than most toddlers I know. I spend hours with him on his learning. I made teaching him the number one goal especially when I found out I was pregnant again. Its important to always make time for learning and teaching. Flash cards, talking slow so he can learn the words, repetition and constantly reminding him of stuff he already knows to keep him on point. Good teaching games: get the foam alphabet/number for the bathtub and turn bath time into learning. Flash cards are excellent but its very easy to get frustrated with them, be patient. Only work on 4-5 cards at a time. Add more but always show the ones they know. Be persistent, try not to get frustrated and they will figure it out.
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